St. Jude Parish Calendar

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View the St. Jude Calendar on Your Device

View the St. Jude Parish calendar in your calendar software or application by clicking on the button and downloading the .ics file.

Gmail Users - Add the Calendar to Your Account

If you are a Gmail user, you can also add the St. Jude Parish Calendar to your Gmail account. This will let you see the calendar right next to your other Google calendars on your desktop or mobile device. To do this, follow these steps...

  1. While logged into Gmail on a desktop computer, click the "+ Google Calendar" button in the lower corner of the above calendar, then add it to your Gmail account.

  2. Visit Google Calendar Sync Select to select it as a calendar you want to show up on your mobile device. And you're done!

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Need calendar help?  Click here to get help from Google on adding a calendar to your phone or tablet.